Thursday, November 12, 2009

191 more days...

What to pack? What to pack?

The Langs played a little game today.  List the first 10 things that come to your mind that you want to take on this trip (or would be taking on this trip, kids...).  No cheating, no peeking.  1, 2, 3...  Go!

    Mike                    Mo
1  Mo                       Mike
2  Tickets                 Good walking shoes
3  Wallet                   Notes
4  Clothing                Camera
5  Camera                2 special dresses
6  iPod                     Suntan lotion
7  Laptop                 Bathing suit
8  Sneakers              New cover-up (this is a hint)
9  Index Cards         Make-up (maybe this should be higher...)
10 Pocket Knife       Headband

For me, it's what I take almost everywhere.  I'll just have to remember to stow the knife during the flights, but that's really not a big deal. 

Tomorrow, we will post the kids lists.

See you on deck 13!


  1. Mike, what do you use the Index Cards for? I use them daily for to do notes. -Cyn

  2. You're brining notenook? I was thinking of doing that in case I need to do any work. I think wireless costs $$$.


  3. INDEX CARDS: I use index cards as my PDA. I keep long term notes on some(I have some that are years old) and I go through about a dozen a day for "to do" lists, etc. I carry them pretty much everywhere.

    My people gave me a rainbow colored pack for Christmas one year, (I am kinda the index card guy... I know... weird...), and I also give out autographed full packs of them when I do my training.

    NOTEBOOK: Bringing it for picture management, getting online when I can, etc. Look for more Internet Access info in a future blog posting (coming soon!).

  4. Ahhh... Index cards. Another thing I like about Cindy!
