Saturday, December 12, 2009

161 more days...

The Saturday Finance Report

Or, if your dear, sweet, old mother gave you EUR5.76 as payment for the New York Yankees beating the Philadelphia Sillies in the World Series, today it would be worth $8.52 ($0.06 less...)


The forecast for the USD vs EUR looks favorable over the coming months.  This would equate to a $3 to $4 ROI on a $100 investment! (source: /

As some of you may have noticed, The Sunday Finance Report has moved to Saturdays.  This has been done in order to provide me with three contiguous days for other content. 

Looking forward to hanging out on deck 13!

1 comment:

  1. 'Hanging' out on deck 13? At least the exchange rate will be 'uplifting', cause 'the girls' won't be if I'm on deck 13.
