Wednesday, December 2, 2009

171 more days...

While you can no longer go inside the bridge, you can go up to the "Peek-a-Boo Bridge" on Deck 11 and look down on this massive ship's version of a cockpit-at once bigger in space you would imagine, and smaller, more compact than you would expect, considering the 142,000 tons under the helm, and its size, 1,021 feet (imagine the Empire State Building floating on the ocean, that is how big Voyager is), and 15 decks.

Looks like Ken bribed the Captain for a private tour...
HEY...Watch where you're going!!!

I will now be contributing to the blog every Wednesday. ( did that happen?)
Looking forward to injecting some humor and facts leading up to the VOTS vacation extraordinaire at the end of May 2010...

Cruise along and enjoy!



  1. Good job Karen! I'll meet you on deck 11.

  2. Deck 11? Not Deck 13! OH - Deck 11 with the "Peek-a-Boo Bridge".
    Okay - Cindy and Captain Ken we now understand your shipboard power.
    Karen, very good, we are looking forward to next Wednesdays entry.
