Tuesday, January 26, 2010

116 more days...

The Finance Report:

Hey, we're back!  Let's talk finances.  Regarding the strength of the $US, things just keep getting better and better.  In fact, this has inspired our latest contest! 

The dollar continues to climb and is currently at its highest point since we began tracking it, which is great for us!  Where will it end up?  Only time will tell, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun with it in the mean time.  Thus, our latest contest: Guess the Exchange Rate

  • To get in on this contest, all you need to do is submit your guess for what the exchange rate will be on Friday, May 21st, 2010 in euros per dollar
  • Guesses must be sent to me using the 'contact me' link below, and must be received no later than Sautrday, January 30th at midnight. 
  • THE CURRENT EXCHANGE RATE IS  0.707464 euros per dollar (click here)
We will track the results, and the person coming closest to the actual exchange rate (even if they go over) will win 1 euro!  Whoo-hooo!  This contest is open to EVERYONE.

 Hello WORLD!!!

This week it finally happened...  We have enough content, and we are logged on enough search engines to pull in some real traffic.  Here is the list of countries that have visited us so far, and a map showing where our hits are coming from:

And finally, our offer remains open to anyone in the world who wants to receive a FREE postcard from the cast of Operation: Poisson Rouge during our European adventure.  Please click on the 'contact me' button below, and make your request.  The first 5 requests will be filled, free of charge!

(Offer void to family, friends, and friends of family and friends...)


  1. I'm sticking with my .76 euros for one US dollar.

  2. ...I don't see anyone from Italy or France checking out this blog yet....Hmmmm....
