Monday, January 25, 2010

117 more days...

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog for a Special Report:

All of us want to wish Karen, (my sister and our Sunday and Wednesday blog contributor), a very Happy Birthday today.  In addition, the cast and crew of Royal Caribbean wanted to extend this very special birthday wish.

We now proceed with our regularly scheduled Monday Finance Report, already in progress:

...but we tried it anyway, and boy were Mo and I shocked when it actually worked!  So make sure get your FREE 100 euro voucher before we leave! 

Well, that's all we have time for in today's post.  Please come back tomorrow when we will complete the Finance Report, and present the Web Report!

Our offer remains open to anyone in the world who wants to receive a FREE postcard from the cast of Operation: Poisson Rouge during our European adventure.  Please click on the 'contact me' button below, and make your request.  The first 5 requests will be filled, free of charge!

(Offer void to family, friends, and friends of family and friends...)


  1. Many thanks to all the birthday well-wishers! (...especially Mike!)...Love to all!
    XO - Karen

  2. Yum, I want a piece of cake. Happy Birthday Karen!
