Monday, January 18, 2010

124 more days...

The Monday Finance Report

The dollar remains in a holding pattern, meaning that an early investment in euros would still have be a losing proposition.  Luckily for us, we did not invest early (unless, of course, you count the euro's that the old woman passed off to me to cover her gambling losses...  Bummer..)

The dollar is remains higher than when we first began tracking it, which is good for us.

 Hello Helsingborg, Skane Lan, Sweden
(that's one place...)

This week a visitor from Sweden visited our blog.  Welcome aboard, Sweeden!  It was a short visit, but we were glad to have you.

But Sweden was not our only visitor.  In the past week we hit a record in terms of the number of visits in one day (168 total visits!  Our average had only been 54 visits per day before that.)  This was largely due to the Karen's new game, "Where in the World is VOTS?".  (Way to drive in traffic, sis!)

Our offer remains open to anyone in the world who wants to receive a FREE postcard from the cast of Operation: Poisson Rouge during our European adventure, please click on the 'contact me' button below, and make your request.  The first 5 requests will be filled, free of charge!

(Offer void to family, friends, and friends of family and friends...)

1 comment:

  1. I predict that by cruise time, one Euro will be worth 76cents.
