Wednesday, January 13, 2010

129 more days...

Where, Oh where, is Voyager of the Seas Now?

Can you find where Voyager of the Seas is currently cruising?

Click HERE to see a map of current locations of cruise ships around the world.

Can you find VOTS on the map?

(Here's a hint from ON the map to zoom in closer)

Ok, since I can't top Mike's awesome Gilligan video from yesterday...(way to go Bro!)...I'll throw in a BUCK to the first one to find V.O.T.S. on the map!'s how it works...

...first one to leave the correct answer in the comments section below of the position AND two other cruise ships that are closest to Voyager of the Seas on Wednesday night, when I log in, WINS one U.S. dollar from ME!*

Oh, this should be good!

*Void where prohibited. Author of this blog entry is the sole judge and can not be challenged. Contest will not be audited and all decisions are final. If winner can not be contacted, runner up will be awarded the one U.S. dollar prize and assume all responsibilities as the winner. V.O.T.S. actual location must be posted on the above link and not "in port" or "not reporting" to be eligible. In the event that V.O.T.S. is "in port" and/or "not reporting" at the time of this blog posting contest, judging will be postponed until next recorded coordinates of V.O.T.S. when the contest judge (me) checks actual location. Rules subject to change at the discretion of the Wednesday blogger judge.

Cruise along and enjoy!....^_~



  1. Voyager of the Seas position:
    Last reported at 2010-Jan-09 21:00 UTC. Time now 2010-Jan-13 13:12 UTC.
    Position N 26°54', W 091°24'.

  2. The two closest cruise ships at time of VOTS report were Makiri Green and St. Louis Express.

  3. Ok Old Folks...did you read the fine print? need to use the link in THIS post (above) AND, V.O.T.S. MUST be of 8:47 A.M. on Wednesday, Jaunuary 13, 2010, V.O.T.S is "In Port/Not Reporting"...and I don't even see Makiri Green and St. Louis Express on the map...try again...

  4. Okay, how about in the Golf of Mexico getting ready to depart from Galveston Texas with two nearest ships being Carnaval Triumph and Ecstasy?

  5. Voyager isn't reporting right now, so I'll take the Professor with the binoculars on Deck 14. Wait...what game are we playing?

  6. Old Folks!...I do believe that there is a CLOSER ship than Ecstasy....(it's a Spirit ship)...V.O.T.S has not reported since January 9, 2010, so until they put up new coordinates on the above link, the BUCK is still up for grabs!

  7. ...Old Folks REALLY want that BUCK!...see what living on a fixed income does to you?

  8. Okay, how about "Spirit of Glacier Bay"? Mom really needs that buck to pay Mike for his football win.

  9. of 4:00 P.M. (Atlantic time), V.O.T.S. is still not reporting coordinates...I wonder if Mike Rowe is cleaning the ship...when I edited this Wednesday post entry last Sunday, she was cruising right along! Doesn't it figure that she is now just drifting?....Hmmm...

    ...first one to comment NEW location of V.O.T.S. when she logs back in wins a BUCK from me!...this may take a couple days....Good Luck!

  10. I was bummed this morning when I checked the blog, figuring that by the time I got home I would have lost to someone else (OK, I mean I would have lost to Nana!), but I am DELIGHTED to see that the game goes on!!! This is so cool!

  11. Voyager, what like the space craft. I think it's outside the solar system by now...maybe in the ort cloud somewhere.

    As far as who won the bet, cruisemaster Ken says split the dollar in half and give half to Whitey and half to Farrah.


  12. ...the contest to be the first to comment below on the active position AND two closest cruise ships to V.O.T.S. continues....One U.S. Greenback is up for grabs!!!! (please refer to contest rules and regulations for full details...cats, dogs, and children under 18 years of age not eligible)...

  13. V.T.O.S. is on the move located at N 17°54', W 087°18' as of 2010-Jan-14 0900. Closest ships are Costa Atlantica and Carnival Dream.

  14. WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!...Congratulations POP-POP!....Your prize of One U.S. Dollar will be mailed and you can expect to receive it within 6 - 8 weeks. What happened to your Galveston theory?....I'd like to thank all of our participants in the "Where is Voyager of the Seas" blog game!...Now, back to our regularly scheduled blogging...Mo has more GREAT tips...check it out!

  15. V.T.O.S. is scheduled to sail from Galveston Texas on Jan. 17, 2010 for a 7 day cruise. Ports of Call: Galveston, Texas; Cozumel, Mexico; George Town, Grand Cayman; Montego Bay, Jamaica; Galveston, Texas.
    Perhaps it is on its way toward Galveston Texas right now, completing it's current cruise.

  16. How did you find the Carnival Dream?

  17. VOTS is located at N 17deg 54' W 087deg 18' at 9am on Jan 14 2010. The two closest ships are Carnival Dream and Carnival Glory. Geometry!!

  18. Sorry Pop-Pop. Carnival Dream is 43.77km away from VOTS and Carnival Glroy is 44.48km away form VOTS. Costa Atlantica is 54.05km away from VOTS.

  19. ...just to clarify...when I checked the position of V.O.T.S. at 7:45am. on Thursday, Jan. 14th, Pop-Pop DID have the correct coordinates that matched what I observed on the linked map from above. I did question the accuracy of "Carnival Dream" - (I observed "Carnival Glory" and "Costa Atlantica" as the two closest cruise ships at the time). I am awarding the One U.S. Dollar to POP-POP (NOT Nana...she thought VOTS was in the Mediterranean...HA-HA!!!) since he was the first one to report the correct position and matched one of the two ships that I observed. WAY TO GO POP-POP!!!! THE PRIZE IS ON THE WAY!!!

  20. 22 comments in one post! A new record!!!

  21. The Grand Prize has been awarded and has been received (To view, Copy & Paste the below URL into your browser, then click on the picture). WOW - 6 to 8 weeks sure does go fast.

    However, the Grand Prize winner recognizes that though being first and two thirds correct, Mo later discovered a closer ship than the ones listed. Therefore the Grand Prize winner declaires that the prize be sharred with Mo and one half of the Grand Prize (50 cents) will be delivered to Mo during the January Birthday celebration on January 23rd.
