Monday, February 15, 2010

96 more days...

The Finance Report:
Creeping Higher!

As the $US continued its ascent, Nana's bid remained closest to the actual exchange rate (0.73 vs 0.736811 euro / $US).  But Mo is a real challenger and still has a great shot at taking the prize.  The good news is that a stronger dollar equates to more buying power for us, so let 'er ride! 

Nana is still in the lead!

The winner of our contest (Grand Prize = 1 euro!) will be the one with the closest guess on May 21st, 2010. 

It's getting crowded in here!

I can hardly keep track of who is new anymore, although it is plain to see that Great Britain is coming back over and over.  I wonder if its Mo's travel tips, Karen's language lessons, or Cindy's recipes that are the big draw.  Whatever it is, they have 96 more days of fun ahead of them.

free counters

What must they think?  We can only wonder, unless of course they take the time to write and request a free postcard!


FREE Postcards!
What a segway...  Our offer remains open to anyone in the world who wants to receive a FREE postcard from the cast of Operation: Poisson Rouge during our European adventure.  Please click on the 'contact me' button below, and make your request.  There are 4 more postcards requests available, each to be filled free of charge!

Postcard #2 - #5: Still available

(Offer void to family, friends, and friends of family and friends...)

1 comment:

  1. If the exchange rate keeps up at this rate, we may surpass .85!! Yeah!
