Sunday, February 14, 2010

O: PR Special Report

O: PR Special Report
Happy Birthday Toot

Our dear Toot would have been 99 years old today.  Toot would have fit right in on this adventure as she howled her way across the Mediterranean. 

Happy birthday, you old bitty.  We miss you.

All of us


  1. Happy Birthday Tootie....HHHH-OOOOWWWW-LLLL!...miss you

  2. Tootie!!! Happy 99th Birthday! Hooooowwwlllll!!! We'll have a Howl or two for you on the ship.

  3. Tootie, don't tell anyone but you were always my favorite - Hooooowwwlllll!!!

    Happy Birthday

  4. Tootie used to so dislike the three stooges soooo much...but she used to let me watch them everytime I stayed over. I miss you Tootie...

  5. Tootie you were so many things to me. Grandmother to my children, gambeling partner, my second mother and my best friend who I could say anything to and would understand and never critize. Oh yes I do miss you old woman. Still miss you ,Love, Jomet
    P.S. If she didn't call me Ma she called me Jomet.
