Sunday, May 2, 2010

20 more days


Volcanic domino effect feared in Iceland

Sun, 02 May 2010 01:56:07 GMT

Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano is still spewing ash as scientists warn the explosions could trigger much greater eruptions from a nearby volcano.

The volcano awoke in April with its first eruption in almost 200 years, driving hundreds of people temporarily from their homes in the area, 120 km (75 miles) east of Iceland's capital, Reykjavik.

A bigger eruption soon followed in mid-April which rattled the global economy by disrupting air traffic across Europe.

Thousands of planes across northern Europe were grounded for almost a week over fears that the silicate ash cloud damage jet engines. This stranded millions of passengers all over the world and inflicted USD 2 billion worth of damage on the international aviation industry.

Iceland itself did not immediately suffer flight cancellations as the winds blew the ash pall east toward Europe. Iceland's international airport stayed open until after the wind shifted direction.

Hot gases from the volcano, which lies beneath a glacier, however, melted the ice and sent torrents of water filled with ash sweeping down the steep slopes of the volcano.

The ongoing minor eruptions is said to pose no threat to air traffic but is feared to set off a much bigger volcano, posing a threat of some magnitude.

Iceland, with a population of 320,000 people, sits on a large volcanic hot spot in the Atlantic's mid-oceanic ridge, and has seen devastating eruptions over the years.

Editors note: The million dollar word in the above article is "could"...yes, Eyjafjallajokull could set off its sister volcano...let's just hope and pray that if it is to erupt, that it holds off for another 5 - 6 weeks, or more. Contrary to Mo's excitement of us possibly being stuck in Europe if the volcano does blow while we are there, I don't think it would be as glamorous and exciting as what she has in mind...sleeping in a foreign airport for days with other stranded travelers is in no way appealing to me - and traveling to the outskirts of Barcelona to find temporary lodging while the "smoke blows over" would be very expensive and stressful...sorry Mo, but I personally hope we DON'T get stuck in a foreign country! (I'm only packing enough underwear for 9 days!)

Be sure to check out the current weather forecast links on Sundays in addition to the ongoing volcanic activity report to keep you up to date with climate conditions in Europe

Click Here for Barcelona weather forecast and other interesting info!

Click Here Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion info!

Cruise along and enjoy!...^_~



  1. We need a cork in that nearby volcano too!

  2. Note to self: remind Billy to bring extra underwear in case we are late getting home.

  3. It is going to be quite rainy in Barcelona for the next couple of days. Towards the end of the month the weather looks good.

  4. BTW, Ken and I completed our online check in process today.

  5. Volcanoes, rain, underwear, hard to pronounce places in Iceland,'s crazy!

  6. I completed my online check in with Pop-Pop yesterday and printed the necessary documents for boarding - it won't be long now!...Less than THREE WEEKS!!!! Now we need to nail down the excursion choices before they book up!!!
